We envision a Flagstaff where the local government, residents, and businesses are empowered to reduce the impacts of our consumption and waste. To achieve this vision we plan to do much more than increase Flagstaff’s recycling rate. Although recycling does reduce the environmental impacts of waste that occur after it leaves your curb, it does little to reduce the impacts from the production, distribution and use of materials.

Moving forward, the City will focus on actions that prevent waste to begin with, such as encouraging you to use reusable items and purchase pre-owned goods. These types of efforts help us move closer to our sustainability-related goals.

  • In an effort to better prepare for changes in the waste and recycling landscape in the City of Flagstaff, as well as most effectively reduce the impact of the community’s waste and material consumption, City staff have created the Rethink Waste Plan or “Plan” to guide future efforts.

  • In the past, much of the City’s focus has been on expanding access to and participation in recycling services. While these efforts will continue, a sole focus on material recovery will not allow the municipal organization and community to most effectively reduce their impact. Rather, through the lens of materials management, the Rethink Waste Plan has an increased focus on eliminating waste at its source and reducing the impact of materials across their life cycle. Contained within this Plan is a vision and goals to guide efforts over the long term towards a future in which the community’s environmental impact is minimized.

  • The City envisions a Flagstaff where local government, residents, businesses and visitors collectively take action to reduce the impact of their material consumption. By 2050, Flagstaff will reduce its overall waste generation and divert 90% of materials from the landfill.

Find the full plan below or linked here